Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How Do You Do Animation? Understand the Animation Program

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Joseph_P_Simpson]Joseph P Simpson
To do animation you will have to have some area of interest as animation is such a broad specialized subject. The basis of animation is to simply create the illusion of moment from still images or objects referred to as modeling or meshing.
Today with video real time on-line and manual training more and more people is selected the home training approach by following step by step training and manual guides. There is no difference here with animation as the concept is the same. If you were to take up the adventure of animation, you will in time know how to do animation as that is the only path to follow. Nowadays this is a more practical approach as to learning how the animation software application functions you are teaching yourself.
So lets go back in time, to be an animator you need an artist or somebody who can draw. Lest keep it simple lets draw a stick figure on a piece of paper. This would be the first step to animation. It is referred to as modeling, which is 3D. Now we have to create an animation and make that stick figure give people the illusion of movement.
To create illusion of movement in this case, create animation you will have to draw another identical sick figure with a s very slight variance for example draw the next figure with the leg slightly forward. If you draw enough images behind each other you will see the leg moving as you flick back and forward through the pages, artist use tracing paper to flick back and forward to create smooth motion this flicking motion is what a time line does.
So now we have the stick image walking around lifting his arm. Maybe even running or jumping. Once this effect has happened by flicking or using time-lines, you have just learn t how you do animation.
No from this point it gets as complicated and as technical as your Imagination.
People are highly skilled in on e are of animation or field of animation like modeling, light and shading, meshing, morphing etc.
The next thing to do one be to add maybe some clothes to your stick figure, how about giving it some colour. Now you are getting hot. The next thing to do is develop a background scene for your walking skipping now clothed stick figure, how about beach scenery?
This is in animation referred to layout and structure. You could then take it to the next level and add the sun and start putting sun shadows onto your stick image. This lighting and shading is a highly specialized field of expertise, this is the path to 3d animation.
Now you are looking like you know how to do animation. We have a stick figure running and jumping along a beach front on a hot sunny and can chase his own shadow. No you could add maybe a little wind. You could go on for ever.
But you have not done any animation, it needs to be an illusion to others and all you simply do is video record yourself flicking the pages or video formatting it with a time line.
This is great fun but very time consuming, to really get to know how people do animation simply download a 3d animation software, study it, master it mix it with determination and patience and you will not only know how to do animation, but be animating. Really want to know about animation and how it is done, and want tools and training you need.
Thank you for reading how do you do animation.
We hope this information was informative and helpful.
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Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?How-Do-You-Do-Animation?-Understand-the-Animation-Program&id=6412083] How Do You Do Animation? Understand the Animation Program

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Is the Pokemon Story Simple or Complex?

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Dinah_Jackson]Dinah Jackson
Welcome to another installment of Pokemon Cafe, where the java and Pokemon topics are evolving along with the Pokemon roaming the floors and occasionally engaging in battle. The latest news in the Pokemon world as you have undoubtedly heard is the release of Pokemon Black and White. The game itself is a must have along with of course all of the exciting spinoff products. There are new Pokemon Black and White stuffed toys, new cards for the Pokemon card game including Shiney Eutei and Raikon. Everything from great new Plushies to stationary are to be had.
Children's minds are fantastic. We adults are constantly trying to teach them how to think when in reality the child's brain, like the Pokemon, has special powers and is growing on its own. As an adult, the Pokemon story, I admit, leaves me hanging. But I am not thinking like a child.
I always felt that The Wizard of Oz was the greatest film ever made for children. Actually I still feel that way- it is a complex tapestry of the horrors and miracles of life, of rich textures and symbolism, of love and sin, and most importantly, the fact that life will always throw at you things you can never prepare for no matter how much you learn and that only bravery and virtue will win the day. As a story, The Wizard of Oz leaves the Pokemon series crawling in the dust. And that is a fact.
But the purposes of the two stories are completely different. While Oz throws us into a tumultuous world, Pokemon encourages- no, forces- the young mind to use his imagination, create worlds, and fill in gaps. Pokemon as a story fails in too many ways to count. It is incomplete, it is not credible or logical, its premise is not explained and does not make sense. Its world is in no sense of the word a complete world. It has no message and, as far as life lessons are concerned, nothing to teach. It is not a story that adults can enjoy along with children. At best, it is like a rather silly spinoff on Jurassic Park with all of the power and none of the horror or plot. And kids love it.
I submit that the Pokemon story is excellent for children's minds. For all the unexplained elements in it that leave we adults dissatisfied are gaps that stimulate children's minds to fill, render, and complete. In other words, each child's vision of the Pokemon story is unique as each child is unique. The trainer/Pokemon relationship gives kids something to personify that Dorothy never can. That is how a child's mind works. Adults can't be bothered.
To find the rarest Japanese Pokemon items, check out the store that has every kind of [http://www.hardrock-pokemon.com]Pokemon plushie that you can imagine. Also an incredible selection of [http://www.hardrock-pokemon.com/PokemonCardPromo]Pokemon promo cards, charms, straps, plush toys, pokedolls, keychains, binders, deck boxes, sleeves, plush toys, and just about anything you can imagine. Delivered right to your front door from Japan.
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Is-the-Pokemon-Story-Simple-or-Complex?&id=6442425] Is the Pokemon Story Simple or Complex?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Pokemon Training - Not Unlike Horses

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Dinah_Jackson]Dinah Jackson
Welcome to the Pokemon Cafe! The Pokemon cafe is for those who, like me, know next to nothing about the world of Pokemon that our kids are so excited about. I myself am a mother of an 11-year-old boy who spends a great deal of his day thinking of Pokemon. These days he's especially crazy about Pokemon Black and White, including the Pokemon card game and also the new Pokemon Black and White Plushies (Pokemon stuffed toys that look like stuffed animals). Since Pokemon Black and White came out, I admit to caving in and buying him a large plush toy and two small plushies. No more!
Today's topic is training- how it is done and the attitudes of the trainers. Practically speaking, there are the attitudes of trainers in the animated Pokemon storyline and the attitudes of gamers. It is the former I want to focus on; it's more interesting!
Like any other animal/human relationship, the core of the Pokemon/trainer relationship is based on trust. Beyond that, there may be a great deal of affection in the feelings of a trainer toward his Pokemon, or the trainer may be of a more Spartan type, interested in moving his Pokemon farther and excelling at battle.
If this sounds familiar, it is. Because this is nearly exactly the way humans have dealt with horses over these thousands of years. While cows and sheep graze in the pasture, horses have been a daily part of human life and interaction, just until recently. On the battle side, the last time that horses were used to a significant extent in battle was in World War I. We have all but forgotten the term "Warhorse," but think about- horses in battle have to be unnaturally courageous and faithful. When knights did battle on their steeds, the master's enemy became the horse's enemy as well.
And yet even in the field of battle, which is the essential core of the Pokemon story, trainers commonly develop great affection and love for their horses. Like horses, Pokemon too are intelligent and faithful creatures that seem to have a natural sense of what their trainers want from them.
Unlike horses, Pokemon are born with fighting capabilities and develop new ones as they evolve. Their trainers capitalize on these natural fighting instincts and abilities as much as they can. Horses, aside from male rivalry over females, are not born with such aggressive instincts. But they can be taught them, and they can be taught to be fearless. Pokemon, on their own, would probably not use their defenses much. But with training, in the arena they amaze and excel. Pokemon, as it turns out, are much like gladiators.
To find the rarest Japanese Pokemon items, check out the store that has every kind of [http://www.hardrock-pokemon.com]Pokemon plushie that you can imagine. Also an incredible selection of [http://www.hardrock-pokemon.com/PokemonPlushToy]Pokemon pokedolls, charms, straps, plush toys, promo cards, keychains, binders, deck boxes, sleeves, plush toys, and just about anything you can imagine. Delivered right to your front door from Japan.
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Pokemon-Training---Not-Unlike-Horses&id=6442450] Pokemon Training - Not Unlike Horses

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Still Waiting For the Pokemon Pokeball

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Dinah_Jackson]Dinah Jackson
Someone tell me if I'm wrong. Amongst the plethora of Pokemon spinoffs, there does not yet exist a Pokeball. This should be a no brainer. How can any Pokemon collector and trainer go about his business without a Pokeball? It just makes sense to have one; one that you can throw without breaking things I might add.
The problem with a Pokeball is that you need a Pokemon to live in it, and it would be great to throw your Pokeball and have a plushie leap out. Unfortunately, even in our high tech age, such things are still very low tech and would consist of a jack-in-the-box contraption with a spring and a Plushie that falls flat. I doubt that would be popular.
I'm not sure how that aspect of the Pokeball could be fixed but amongst all the people working with Nintendo I'm know there's enough imagination to come up with something. The simple solution I have is this: Make the Pokeball?collection into a kind of Pokemon card game. That is, inside the Pokeball, have 6 to 12 layers of pictures of different Pokemon of varying strength. Make sure each Pokeball is randomly made so that they're all unique. Each time the Pokeballs get thrown, the picture changes and the battle is won or lost on the strength of the Pokemon that show up. Not the greatest idea in the world, I know, but I tell you, I really think the kids are secretly clamoring for a Pokeball and that they would be a great hit on the market.
Speaking of the market, inside the Pokeball you could start adding Pokemon Black and White monsters, because Pokemon Black and White is what's really popular now. My son has Pokemon Black and White Plush Toys (Stuffed Toys) and loves them so much he even sleeps with them. He's also a maniac for the Pokemon Black and White Card Game and collects the new Black and White cards whenever he can. He also has a Pokemon Black and White Zuken Figure, but by far he prefers the soft Plushies.
Speaking of soft, and getting back to Pokeballs, I'm a little ashamed to admit that I made my son a pseudo Pokeball that is like a dye, but has softer edges. I sewed different Pokemon faces onto each side, and now he can play a dice game with something that is 'sort of' like a Pokeball. If any of you kids are reading this, go ahead and ask Nintendo for a Pokeball. If you're a parent and want to be a hero, you can as well.
To find the rarest Japanese Pokemon items, check out the store that has every kind of [http://www.hardrock-pokemon.com]Pokemon plush toy that you can imagine. Also an incredible selection of [http://www.hardrock-pokemon.com/PokemonPlushToy]Pokemon pokedolls, charms, straps, plush toys, promo cards, keychains, binders, deck boxes, sleeves, plush toys, and just about anything you can imagine. Delivered right to your front door from Japan.
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Still-Waiting-For-the-Pokemon-Pokeball&id=6442452] Still Waiting For the Pokemon Pokeball

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Need For a Pokemon Book Series

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Dinah_Jackson]Dinah Jackson
This is Dinah again at the Pokemon Cafe and Media club and I've just been engaged in lively intellectual discussion about the Pokemon story and possibilities for the future. It's obvious from the development of the game and its spinoffs these years that Pokemon thrives on diversity. In fact, diversity and evolution are what Pokemon is all about! The latest 'shinka' (evolution) jump in Pokemon Mania is Pokemon Black and White (as if I needed to tell you that). As a mom who likes soft toys that can be thrown around without breaking things, I like the new Pokemon Black and White plush toys, or 'plushies' and my son has added some new Pokemon stuffed toys to his collection, though I must admit I bought them partially for myself. The Pokemon Black and White monsters are by far the 'coolest' so far in the game (as opposed to 'cute') and more dragon-like than cuddly. Still, like all Pokemon, they have agreeable and noble faces. Anyway, the Pokemon Black and White series has made the Pokemon card game a whole lot more interesting as well.
The Pokemon story has been developed in an animated TV and film series of course, and also in 'manga' (comic books). But my beef with Pokemon is that unlike Mario or other simple games, the basic premise of Pokemon is quite sophisticated and entertaining, and deserves much better development. Pokemon, as far as I'm concerned, has the potential to be entertaining to adults as well as kids, but so far Nintendo has declined to explore that aspect. The only thing it would need to do is sell the idea to the major film producing companies, which I'm sure would jump at a chance at the project. Given its options, in my opinion Hollywood would definitely be the place to take the idea.
The first thing Pokemon needs is a solid book series. Admittedly, it could get away without one and develop only film scripts (like Star Wars or Pirates of the Caribbean), but personally I'd like to see a well-written book series that was great to read and great to watch as well (Harry Potter is the shining example I'm thinking of).
In the release of a rich Pokemon saga that is full of thrills, heroes, and character development, there should be no doubters. Obviously, 3D and special effects of their favorite Pokemon will mesmerize kids more than the flat and silly animation that they already love now, and through solid literary and film production, Pokemon could become enjoyed by all and a classic of our times.
I don't know if making Pokemon more sophisticated would boost its spinoffs, but I really doubt that it would hurt. One thing for certain is that it would push it even higher above its competitors now.
To find the rarest Japanese Pokemon items, check out the store that has every kind of [http://www.hardrock-pokemon.com]Pokemon plush toy that you can imagine. Also an incredible selection of [http://www.hardrock-pokemon.com/PokemonPlushToy]Pokemon pokedolls, charms, straps, plush toys, promo cards, keychains, binders, deck boxes, sleeves, plush toys, and just about anything you can imagine. Delivered right to your front door from Japan.
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?The-Need-For-a-Pokemon-Book-Series&id=6442456] The Need For a Pokemon Book Series

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Unfulfilled Pokemon Saga

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Dinah_Jackson]Dinah Jackson
The Pokemon story series has always had its weaknesses. Basically, in every segment, Ash is taunted by his 'cool' but evil rivals that finally culminate in the ultimate Pokemon battle from which Ash emerges as the victor while his rivals are vexed. In between there are several sub-battles and a lot of wandering around for less than clear reasons. It does, I suppose, mimic the maze in the game.
I confess to my ignorance on the latest; Pokemon Black and White. I know that as far as the game and the spinoffs go, Pokemon Black and White is the latest thing and it is immensely popular. Just go to the Pokemon Store to see for yourself: the shelves are stocked with Pokemon Black and White Plush Dolls, Pokemon figures, Pokedolls, and other toys, stuffed or plastic. Pokemon Black and White is doing well in the Pokemon card game as well, and the new cards are apparently 'the' ones to have.
But I don't know if any new storylines via comic books or animation have come out yet. I have heard talk that two new movies are indeed being made right now by the way, but have no details other than that. One would hope that whoever draws up contracts for the rights of the Pokemon story, will start producing something more substantial than the fare we've been getting. Any movie aimed at young audiences that is worth its salt should be entertaining to grownups too. That is how The Lion King and Finding Nemo to name a few grew to be smash hits.
Unfortunately, everything entertainment wise is locked up in the Nintendo headquarters in Tokyo. Now, what I am about to say is no reflection on the Japanese film industry. Only, as far as children's stories go, Japan has shown itself to be a champion and perhaps has produced the world's greatest animation. But it only has a few blockbusters under its belt, made strictly under the direct supervision of master storytellers and animators. As we all know, Pokemon has never fell under this category in terms of animation. Its storylines have been, well, awful, and its animation quality mediocre.
Which is unfortunate because with some first rate story telling, top of the line voice acting, and masterpiece animation (drawn or digital), I really think that the video series of Pokemon could become blockbusters and really bolster Nintendo's sales of both the game and the spinoffs. My suggestion is that if the Japanese masters don't want to handle it, let Hollywood. Hollywood doesn't even necessarily need good storylines to make a blockbuster- special effects hold their own in Hollywood. Anyway, it's been an ongoing complaint of mine with Pokemon- mostly because my son makes me sit through and watch them with him.
To find the rarest Japanese Pokemon items, check out the store that has every kind of [http://www.hardrock-pokemon.com]Pokemon plush that you can imagine. Also an incredible selection of [http://www.hardrock-pokemon.com/PokemonPlushToy]Pokemon pokedolls, charms, straps, plush toys, promo cards, keychains, binders, deck boxes, sleeves, plush toys, and just about anything you can imagine. Delivered right to your front door from Japan.
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?The-Unfulfilled-Pokemon-Saga&id=6442462] The Unfulfilled Pokemon Saga

Thursday, February 16, 2012

What Is The Pokemon Evolution?

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Dinah_Jackson]Dinah Jackson
Pokemon are different from other creatures in that many of them can spontaneously mutate and acquire new powers. In Pokemon parlance, this is called 'evolve' though though of us with an interest in paleontology know that evolution only occurs over a period of thousands or millions of years, while a mutation is something that a living creature is born with- it doesn't generally happen at a certain stage of life. However, animals do change as they grow older and furthermore in the insect world there is the phenomenon of metamorphosis, which is really what the Pokemon do- they metamorphose.
I don't know if the latest incantation of Pokemon, Pokemon Black and White, are 'evolved' or not, but they sure look as if they are. They have evolved and may be found anywhere they are selling Pokemon goods- in fact they dominate the shelves and any Pokemon fan who wants something new can't get enough of them. Check out the new Pokemon Black and White plush toys, the stuffed toys and figures, the new Pokemon Black and White Promo cards, and the latest in Pokemon Black and White Zuken and Tomy Figures.
I myself am not familiar with how a Pokemon undergoes evolution, though if your child is a Pokemon fan, I'm sure he is. I would imagine that the Pokemon go somewhere private to do it, but maybe it just happens spontaneously.
I do know that I can spot the evolved Pokemon manifestations on Pokemon charts when quizzed by my son, though I don't seriously think that's any great feat. Unfortunately, my interest beyond picking them out wanes; I don't even know their names or powers, a fact which never ceases to horrify my son. He just doesn't seem to be able to fathom how anyone cannot spend his or her entire day and night not thinking about Pokemon.
It has managed to sink into my head, vaguely and through shear repetition, that each Pokemon is associated with some natural element like grass or water. It is sometimes said that the Pokemon therefore emerged from the 'kami,' or gods, of the Japanese Shinto religion. While that may be true on some level (I've heard it was not), it is also true that there is only a single god for one thing in Shinto- rain, for instance, while the Pokemon are grouped.
Actually, and this as far as I'm concerned is a much more accurate reference to the mutation of Pokemon, the Pokemon game was conceived by the children's (mainly boys) habit of collecting and battling insects. Now while we adults may conceive of that as cruel, it is after all just something boys go through. Anyway, the metamorphosis of insects would explain Pokemon 'evolution' better than anything else.
To find the rarest Japanese Pokemon items, check out the store that has every kind of [http://www.hardrock-pokemon.com]Pokemon plush that you can imagine. Also an incredible selection of [http://www.hardrock-pokemon.com/PokemonPlushToy]Pokemon pokedolls, charms, straps, plush toys, promo cards, keychains, binders, deck boxes, sleeves, plush toys, and just about anything you can imagine. Delivered right to your front door from Japan.
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?What-Is-The-Pokemon-Evolution?&id=6442466] What Is The Pokemon Evolution?